So vacation is over unfortunately, and its time to go back to work and educate the Japanese prepubescent masses in the art of English. But first, here are a few pictures from my trip to Thailand/Cambodia. These are only the scuba diving pictures that were taken on Koh Tao on the last day of our diving, where we completed a deep dive down to 30 meters, a photography dive and a night dive where out dive instructor had us turn off our torches midway through and dive with only the moonlight. For me, the moonlight was pretty inadequate as I could not see a single f'n thing, but the pictures did a nice job of showing how much more colorful the ocean floor became when the sun goes down. I can't put all the pictures on the blog, there are just too many, so I'll only put a select few here and then the rest on my online photo album, which you can see at
As soon as I get the rest of my pictures, mainly of Angkor Wat and the Grand Palace, off my camera I'll post them here as well. Prost.